Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2010

25th of July 2010

Plastic garbage is a big subject in Bali and of course also in the village and we want to learn the kids that it is not good to see plastic waste all over and that we have to do something against it. That's why we arrange regularly clean ups in Manuksesa. Also on this day and even the head of the "Dusun Manuksesa", Gede Surit, joined us. We split up in 3 groups - one group with Gede Surit, the 2nd group with our gardener Komang Arya and the 3rd group with me. Villa Manuk donated 150.000, 100.000 and 50.000 Rp for the prices and "my group" was number 1 in collecting plastic waste. On this day we collected around 30 kg plastic waste which was disposed later on an official waste dump. I was very proud that I could motivate children from the neighbour village to join our group. In the beginning they were very critical looking me picking up waste and were a bit laughing about it. But after a while 4 kids joined us and were not tired running around looking for waste near the creek, at the rice paddy walks, at the street, etc.
All kids got also some color markers or pencils which were donated by guests.

Sonntag, 12. Dezember 2010

30th of June 2010

Beside English Conversation and collecting plastic garbage we do have another ongoing project for the kids. Every child of the Manuksesa Childrenproject can choose a plant in the garden of Villa Manuk and I will collect all information about the plant like Indonesian, Balinese, English and Botanical name and also to which family this plants belongs. I also print out general information about the plants in Bahasa Indonesia so the children can learn more about "their plant". Then we write together name signs for the plants, also with the name of the responsible child on it.