After the seminar Rolf - who instructs
Sonntag, 28. August 2011
4th of July 2011
After the seminar Rolf - who instructs
Samstag, 27. August 2011
3rd of July 2011
After a break of 2 months (the children were learning for school examinations and we have been also very busy) we finally met again. We received a donation from our longtime friend Karin who asked her friends for money for our project instead of presents on her birthday. We received 3.550.000 IDR from her! As a little "thanks" we sung "our song" for her and also I bought again plastic garbage from the kids.
20th of March and 24th of April 2011
On this dates the children focused on collecting garbage in the village. On the 2nd date in April they made together with the staff of Villa Manuk and the head of the village Manuksesa a big CLEAN-UP. They collected on 24.04.11 98,5 kg plastic waste! Like always Villa Manuk bought the plastic waste for 1.000 IDR/kg and disposed it on the central waste disposal site.
30th of January and 6th of February 2011
Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2011
23rd of January 2011

Meeting with Steve
I was so happy that our long term guest Steve who stayed in Villa Manuk for 4 weeks wanted to join our children seminar for this day. You cannot imagine how great that was! Steve is a theater director and writer from the U.S. and his teaching was just amazing! It was a great chance for the kids to listen finally a native English speaking person and just to train the "th" was so much fun with great learning effects, besides all the other teaching. The blowoff was the jump in the pool :-).
Thanks so much for your great teaching and motivation Steve!
On the end of the course we collected again the plastic garbage from the kids.
21st of November 2010
Donnerstag, 3. März 2011
24th of October 2010

There is a kindergarten in the neighbor village and some of the little kids in Manuksesa joining since June 2010. The Manuksesa Children Project sponsors these kindergarten-kids because it has - compared with elementary school - a higher entrance fee. We believe it is very important that the village children have the same opportunities like town kids to attend a kindergarten.
These little kids love to join our seminars, even they not always really understand what's going on :-).
We did our regularly program English conversation.
3rd of October 2010

As a special program we practiced some very basics of first aid. In the village it is for example not common to use a clinical thermometer to check if there is a serious infection or not. Also they seldom disinfect wounds which tends to result many times in skin infections. We also installed a simple first aid set in Villa Manuk and invited every child to use the disinfection, band-aid and others if needed.
We continued our program labeling plants with 3 other kids+plants.

5th of September 2010

Beside our lesson for English conversation we focused also on labeling plants in our gardens. The children chose the plants they wanted and with this program they learn about the plant names (English, Indonesian, Balinese and Botanical name), the family of the plants and also about the function and usage.
22nd of August 2010
Today we had another English lesson based on the VCD "English conversation for kids". I am always happy to see how the kids love to join this seminar.
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